In light of climate change and the scarcity of resources, the construction sector and automotive industry have to make enormous ecological progress. Sika is driving this development. The Group has solutions that allow CO2 emissions to be cut drastically, energy effi ciency to be enhanced, and resources to be used more sparingly.
Climate-Friendly Growth
Sika’s purpose is clear and ambitious. Future challenges are anticipated and mastered in order to deliver reliable, innovative, sustainable, and long-lasting solutions for the construction and manufacturing industries. Investment bank Goldman Sachs corroborated this claim in a recent report on Sika entitled “The green growth formula”, in which its analysts emphasized that the Group has the solutions to facilitate sustainable, climate-friendly growth.
"Sika's products are positioned as critical ingredients to meet climate neutrality goals in construction and in automotive." Goldman Sachs
Enormous Leverage
Sika is making a crucial contribution to limiting global warming. The Group’s key technologies allow entire industries to reduce their environmental footprint and thereby usher in the necessary process of transformation. Nowhere is this leverage more apparent than in the construction sector. Sika has the expertise and the products to reduce CO2 emissions in the production of cement and concrete. In addition, there is substantial potential in the automotive sector, where Sika is driving forward solutions for lightweight construction and electromobility.
Impressive Innovative Strength
Sika has been working consistently for many years on innovative, environmentally-friendly solutions, taking research to new levels in close collaboration with its customers. “Sustainability is part of our DNA”, emphasizes Frank Höfflin, Chief Technology Officer. “Already today, 70% of our sales is generated by products that have a positive effect on sustainability.” This proportion is set to rise in order to further contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and energy consumption, saving of resources, and increase of safety.
Unique Holistic Approach
Sika aligns its goals with sustainability on an ongoing basis. This involves the company thinking well beyond the confines of its own organization. The Paris Climate Agreement commits all protagonists to implementing specific steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Companies that rely on Sika can therefore make progress in this area, while at the same time fulfilling the growing demands of their own customers for environmentally-friendly products. In this way, Sika is helping sustainable growth to make the breakthrough.
Extending Longevity
Sika’s high-quality products ensure that new structures can withstand environmental influences for a long period of time. In the case of existing structures, Sika can extend life cycles thanks to the solutions it provides to repair and renovation projects. Not only does this make commercial sense, it is also a step forward in the area of sustainability, as the resources employed can be used longer and CO2 levels are reduced.
Protecting Health
Sustainable products contribute to human health when they are used on building sites and integrated into buildings in which people work and live. This is one of Sika’s overriding priorities. The Group offers a broad spectrum of low-emission, odorless liquid applied membranes, floor coatings, adhesives, and sealants.
Increasing Safety
Increasing safety Sika offers solutions that enable the construction and automotive industries to comply with – and in many cases even exceed – the highest safety standards. Highly effective fire protection agents delay the proliferation of heat and smoke in the event of a fire. Structural strengthening makes buildings more resilient as they age or in the event of an earthquake.
Shaping Climate-Friendly Mobility
High-strength adhesives are crucial to lightweight construction and electromobility. They guarantee the rigidity of electric vehicle bodywork and make a significant contribution to reducing the fuel consumption of cars with combustion engines. Sika therefore has the key to decarbonizing road traffic.
Saving Resources
The global consumption of raw materials is on the rise. In order for future generations to continue to have access to essential resources, Sika is focusing on the circular economy. Even when products are at the development stage, care is taken to ensure that the materials used can be completely recycled at the end of their useful lives.
Reducing CO2 Footprint
Concrete is the most important construction material in the world. But for each ton produced, up to 200kg of CO2 are released. Sika possesses the capability to reduce these emissions drastically. Even small amounts of admixtures and additives are sufficient to dramatically reduce the emission of CO2 in the production of cement, as well as the proportion of cement used in concrete.